Unapologetic: Where Am I Now?

Within my last post in August of 2016 I stated I wanted to become more open about my beliefs. Well, as indicated by that being the last time I wrote here, you can guess I had a bit more to figure out than I anticipated. Who thought figuring out your personal beliefs, faiths, ideas, moral foundation and concepts of the spiritual realm could be so difficult? Collective eye-rolls all around. I know, I know. But really, it's been tough.

Yesterday was Easter, and the pinnacle of the high-holidays of Christianity. In the spirit of yesterday's celebration and finding out what I believe, here's the best I have so far (see image above). The liturgy of yesterday's service summed it up for me (thank you, All Souls). I can honestly say that I believe Jesus was an embodiment of God who came to bring unity and love to a world that was shredded by centuries of non-unity. His words still stand the test of time when represented overall with the intention of love and peace. 

This is a single moment in time. As I said before our beliefs can and should change over time. I may re-read this in a year and see a fatal flaw or even just a small divergence from the path I'm on then, but for now this is where I stand – 

He is among us: the one who gave sight to the blind and insight to the close minded...

On The Vision Board

